Assistive technology
This term refers to a broad range of devices, services, strategies, and practices that are conceived and applied to ameliorate the problems faced by individuals who have disabilities.
Cook, A.M., & Hussey, S.M. (2000). Assistive technologies: Principles and practice. St. Louis: Mosby
Wobble Switch - Mounted > SWWOB-M
The Wobble Switch is intended for use by any body extremity that can press against the wand. This switch is useful for those with poor motor control.
The 100mm wand can be activated with a swiping motion in any direction, registering the action by the bending of the spring - loaded wand.
The mounted Wobble Switch incorporates a 480mm flexible gooseneck that makes the switch easy to mount to tables, chairs, bedrails, etc. to give more flexibility and range of motion to the user.
Price excl gst : $330.00
Retrieved June, 2009, from